
Don’t Let Your Trash Bin Become A Treasure Trove: Best Practices For Disposing Of Confidential Information

In today’s digital age, protecting confidential data is more critical than ever. It is easy to focus on online security measures, but paying attention to physical security is equally important. This article will discuss why secured shredding is essential to data security and provide some best practices for disposing of confidential information.

The Risks Of Improper Disposal Of Confidential Data

The improper disposal of confidential data can have serious consequences. When sensitive information is thrown away without proper security measures, it becomes vulnerable to theft and misuse. It can lead to identity theft, financial fraud, and other types of cybercrime. In addition, if your business is found to be negligent in disposing of confidential data, you may face legal and regulatory consequences.

One of the most significant risks of improper disposal is dumpster diving. Dumpster diving is the act of searching through trash to find confidential information. It can be done by individuals looking for personal information for fraudulent purposes or by competitors seeking to gain an advantage over your business. In addition to the theft of confidential data, it also leads to a breach of trust with your customers.

Best Practices For Disposing Of Confidential Information

Following best practices for secure data destruction is essential to avoid the risks associated with the improper disposal of confidential data. These practices include:

Identify Confidential Data:

The first step in secure data destruction is identifying what information needs to be destroyed. This can include anything from financial records to client information to employee files. Once you have identified what needs to be destroyed, you can determine the best way.

Implement a Document Retention Policy:

A document retention policy outlines how long certain documents should be kept before they are destroyed. This can help ensure that confidential data is not kept longer than necessary, reducing the risk of a security breach. Consult with legal and accounting professionals to ensure your policy complies with regulations.

Use Secured Shredding Services:

Use a secure shredding service if you have a large volume of confidential data to dispose of. These services provide safe transportation and destruction of personal data and often provide a certificate of destruction as proof that the data has been securely disposed of.

Store Documents Securely Before Disposal:

They should be stored securely before they are shredded or disposed of. The documents should be locked in a filing cabinet or using a safe storage container. It helps ensure that confidential data is not accidentally thrown away or lost before it can be securely destroyed.

Secured Shredding Services

As mentioned above, secured shredding services can be an excellent option for businesses with a large volume of confidential data to dispose of. When choosing a secure shredding service, it is essential to ensure that the service provider is reputable and follows strict security protocols. Look for a service provider certified by the National Association for Information Destruction (NAID), which sets standards for secure data destruction. In addition, consider the following when choosing a shredding service:

Security Protocols

Look for a secured shredding service provider following strict security protocols throughout the destruction process. This includes secure transportation of the data, secure storage before destruction, and secure destruction methods.

Understand Local Laws And Regulations Related To Document Disposal

Understanding local laws and regulations related to document disposal is extremely important. Properly disposing of records is critical for businesses, from ensuring confidential documents are securely destroyed to understanding what documents should not be disposed of through regular waste removal. Knowing the applicable laws and regulations could result in significant fines and penalties local governments impose.

Chain of Custody

A reputable secured shredding service company should provide a detailed chain of custody report outlining each step of the destruction process. This report can be used as proof of secure data destruction in the event of an audit or legal action.

Environmentally Friendly

Look for a secured shredding service provider that is environmentally conscious and recycles shredded paper and electronic media.

Schedule Regular Cleanouts Of All Confidential Data To Reduce The Risks Of Data Breaches

Scheduling regular cleanouts of confidential data are the key to reducing data breach risks. Companies, especially those with large amounts of sensitive data, must be proactive and take security steps early to mitigate any possible damage from criminals or malicious actors. Developing protocols and enforcing strict procedures for cleanouts ensure that confidential information isn’t collected over a long period and diminish the ability of outside actors to target valuable documents. Cleanouts also help companies reorganize and streamline their current documentation systems, preventing unnecessary duplication and making it easier for employees to access essential records quickly. Regular maintenance helps protect private companies and customers whose records may be stored on-site.


Proper disposal of confidential data is essential for protecting your business and your customers. More than simply throwing personal information in the trash is required, leaving the data vulnerable to theft and misuse. By hiring SAFESHRED™, a secure shredding service provider certified by the National Association for Information Destruction (NAID), companies can ensure that confidential information is not accessible to those who should not have access.

For more information about properly disposing of confidential documents using a secure shredding service provider, contact SAFESHRED™ today.

Don’t Just Shred. SAFESHRED!